查看完整版本: [日本/三级]纯平,再想想 Junpei, Think Again (2018)日语中字[MP4/1.56GB/XN/BT]

影音大咖 2023-2-17 14:26

[日本/三级]纯平,再想想 Junpei, Think Again (2018)日语中字[MP4/1.56GB/XN/BT]

Junpei, Think Again (2018)
A.K.A: Junpei, kangaenaose
IMDB LINK: [url]https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8554256/[/url]
Cast: Amane Okayama, Kisetsu Fujiwara, Manaka Kinoshita, Reiko Kataoka
Directed: Toshiyuki Morioka
Genre: Comedy | Drama
Runtime: 1hr 35mn
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: CHINESE (Muxed)

21-year-old Junpei is a low ranking gangster. He is busy taking care of miscellaneous works. One day, his boss gives him a mission to kill a high ranking gangster from a rival group. Junpei wanting recognition from his group, accepts the assignment. Junpei meets Kana and they spend the night together. He tells her about his assignment. She thinks his enthusiasm for the job his assignment, but she also feels some excitement. She stays with him for 3 days until he carries out his mission.



hubris6965 2023-3-23 12:10


21 岁的淳平是一名小混混,他给帮派处理一些日常杂事。某天,老大交给他一项任务,要他杀死敌对帮派的一名大混混。淳平想要得到帮派的认可,于是接受了任务。第二天,纯平遇见了佳奈,他们一起滚床单。淳平告诉佳奈他要进行的任务。她听后感到有些兴奋,为了给他力量,她和他啪了 3 天,直到他执行任务的那天为止……(卧槽,这是想害他吧?)
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查看完整版本: [日本/三级]纯平,再想想 Junpei, Think Again (2018)日语中字[MP4/1.56GB/XN/BT]