查看完整版本: [意大利/三级]顶级模特 Top Model (1988)[MKV/1.82G/XN/BT]

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[意大利/三级]顶级模特 Top Model (1988)[MKV/1.82G/XN/BT]

Top Model (1988)
Released: 28 Jan 1988
Runtime: 84 Mins
Genre: Drama Countries: Italy Languages: English
Directed By: Joe D’Amato
Actors: Jessica Moore James Sutterfield Ale Dugas Laura Gemser Jason Saucier Lin Gathright Richard Douvillier Mark Shannon Len Letterman Mary Harris Rex D. Jackson Al Maklansky
Internal:  German
Alternate Titles: elf tage elf nächte 2 11 days 11 nights: part 2 – the twilight world 11 days 11 nights part 2: ‘the sequel’ 11 days 11 nights: part 2 – top model eleven days eleven nights 2 顶级模特 eleven days eleven nights ii top model
Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new book. Peter finds out and blackmails her by demanding sex for his silence. Meanwhile Sarah develops feelings for computer whiz Cliff, who struggles to resolve his own sexual orientation.

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查看完整版本: [意大利/三级]顶级模特 Top Model (1988)[MKV/1.82G/XN/BT]